Monitor, manage, and protect important assets.
From vehicle fleets, equipment, and electronic systems to real, live people out in the field.
Customised solutions for your business
- Drive your customer through a journey from door to door
- Give recommendations to your user when planning a trip
- Improvement of the delivery process for shipping companies
Benefits obtained
- Increased user engagement while travelling
- Better understanding of your user behaviour and ease for future deployments
- Full knowledge of your workers and fleet
Solutions offered
End to End
Journey Planner
Enable consumers to plan a journey from door to door, not just a given piece of the trip. Users can get directions from - say home - to a destination: via bus, train and other forms of transportation for every step of the way. By guiding users door to door, more online bookings are made.
Asset Tracking
Inspire your users by placing Points of Interest close to their current or desired location. By using Google Places API, your consumers can get information about what’s nearby, make better decisions, and get travel inspiration.
Onboard Map
People search based on time, not distance. For example: where are places 20 minutes from a location? When you enable people to search in a time-based manner, customer confidence and online transactions increase significantly.